Monday, March 23, 2009

I'm getting kinda tired of listening to "activists" right now. Not so much the stand in the street and shout your defiance to corrupt politicians and unjust laws kind of activists, but rather, the sit at home and bitch and whine about saving the(insert creature of your choice). While sitting around pining about politics is almost as pointless, at least there is a point. Freedom! What is the point of campaigning to save a particular species of animal/insect when there is no scientific gain for doing so. Now I love a cute little broad-toothed rat or a short-nosed sturgeon as much as the next guy but if we are going to save THEM then let's look at who we are ignoring. Not many people talk about Burma - but we should be. Burma, also known as Mynamar, is a country of 50 million people who are being systematically brutalized by their own government, a military regime known ironically as the State Peace and Development Council (SPDC). The SPDC's army has destroyed over 3,000 villages in eastern Burma over the last 10 years, creating over 1 million refugees and over 500,000 people trapped inside the country. As many as 400 children die daily. These displaced people are unable to live in their own villages, their crops are destroyed, landmines are laid in their fields and they are pressed into modern-day slavery by the army. Additionally, the democratically-elected leader, Aung San Suu Kyi is the only Nobel Peace Prize winner who is under house arrest, where she has been for over 10 years.
In Africa a child dies every thirty seconds. In the time it takes for you to read this far 2 little kids died from starvation. It's sickening. We have every available technology to turn Africa into a fertile, life supporting continent but instead we choose to deal with corrupt country and village leaders who steal the aid money and hoard any food supplies for themselves while letting people die needlessly. And why do we do nothing? Because, Africa is rich in mineral content and jewels to be mined. African families give up the rights to their own land for a little money, food, and supplies and when that runs out they are screwed...again. And since we are in Africa companies don't worry so much about environmental cost of dumping wasted products into fields, streams, rivers. Those that are near water sources have to deal with contamination. Those who lived off the land they owned couldn't use it even if they wanted to. The soil is dead. In Ecuador U.S. officials are suppressing a root-remedy that was discovered by Alpha Omega Labs that is 95% effective in treating and sometimes curing skin cancer. Skin cancer created mostly by the unethical dumping of waste into pristine the water sources of the Ecuadorian rainforests. Thses are the actions of our government at work. This is why the world hates us and I am sick and goddamned tired of listening to fat, stupid americans tell me that we need to save some fucking marsh rat. We need to wake up, people!!! The world is a vast, beautiful, wonderful place that we have barely begun to understand. And while I believe that all creatures have a purpose, we will never discover them until we start recognizing our own. Humans beings have evolved to a point where we are almost completely without instinct or physical survival skills. Humans survive almost solely off the seeminly unlimited capability of progressive thinking. We never cease to come up with new ideas and we are always improving the old ones. But humans have four traits that no other animal exhibits:We kill for pleasure, we can committ suicide, we poison our own environment, and we allow our own species to suffer and die right under our feet.
And in the midst of all this turmoil we hear these people screaming that we need to save the California Rain Beetle or the Sumatran Tiger. How about observing the fact that we are all animals and focus some attention on saving them! And don't be fooled all you tree hugging, bug kissing, liberals out there. Things are this way because your government wants it this way and until you stand up and fight for the true cause of freedom and a healthy environment, then we are all doomed. Even the Zayante Band-winged Grasshopper.

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